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Crash Mat 2.44m x 1.37m x 250mm
Crash Mat 2.44m x 1.37m x 250mm

Crash Mat 2.44m x 1.37m x 250mm

Product: Crash Mat 2.44m x 1.37m x 250mm

SKU: Promat CM07

Our Price: £426.00 Ex VAT: £355.00

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Category: All Products Crash Mats

Proven to be one of our most popular products throughout the years. What you will be getting with this product is a crash mat of the highest quality that will last for years. Manufacture to order with the greatest attention to detail.

Made with a superior high resistance combustion modified foam. This particular foam will absorb all tumbles when you land on the mat. For the outside of the mat, we encase it in a flame retardant heavy-duty nylon reinforced PVC zipped cover. Added handles to make it very easy to move around and to transport. The breather holes expel the air upon landing and there are even toggles to attach several mats together to make a big area.  We have a great variety of standard sizes and colours Available in a wide variety of colours.

Our Crash Mats are specially designed for landing, tumbling and general sport applications including the increasingly popular Parkour and Free Running. Martial arts disciplines require precise training techniques including safe landing and throwing to reduce the risk of injury. These mats are ideal for practicing such techniques! Crash mats can also be used when practicing Parkour or Free Running as they provide a softer landing which encourages fluidly without limitation of movement.

  • Designed for landing, tumbling and general sport applications
  • Perfect for Parkour, Free Running, Martial arts disciplines and Gymnastics
  • Comes in a wide range of colour options
  • Superior high resistance combustion modified foam
  • Flame retardant heavy duty nylon reinforced PVC zipped cover
  • Anti-Slip Base
  • Breather holes
  • Handles to make it very easy to move around and to transport
  • 2.44m x 1.37m x 250mm
  • 8′ x 4.6″ x 10′
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