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Laser RT Club Pro Speedball Frame Height Adjust (wall mount)
Laser RT Club Pro Speedball Frame Height Adjust (wall mount)

Laser RT Club Pro Speedball Frame Height Adjust (wall mount)

Brand: Indigo Fitness

Product: Laser RT Club Pro Speedball Frame Height Adjust (wall mount)

SKU: CC-576

Our Price: £456.00 Ex VAT: £380.00

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Category: All Products Boxing Frames & Brackets

The Carbon Claw Pro Speedball Frame with Height Adjustment has been designed and manufactured here in the UK. The manufacturing brief was to achieve performance, durability and a high standard of finish that differentiates it from the general offerings available.

This commercial product packs a punch with a 40mm wooden board, friction less swivel mounted to a heavy guage steel construction that will be a valued addition to any Club/Studio Environment. Weight 27kgs (Speedball not included).

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