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Revvll One Rope Trainer
Revvll One Rope Trainer

Revvll One Rope Trainer

The Revvll Rope Trainer is an alternative to stand-alone and expensive rope training simulation machines – yet offers more versatility.  Great for beginning or advanced use within all facility types. Ideal for functional training areas, personal trainers, circuit integration and group classes.#

This product is manufactured to order.  Please contact us for delivery/lead time information.  Some pictures for illustration purposes.

Brand: Indigo Fitness

Product: Revvll One Rope Trainer

SKU: 61044

Our Price: £702.00 Ex VAT: £585.00

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Category: All Products Battle Ropes

There are rope climbing machines that allow the trainee to simulate rope climbing. However, these machines are big and heavy. The revvll was created to allow rope climbing everywhere and for every trainee. A positive side effect of the light weight is the fact that the revvll offers significantly more exercises.

With classic rope climbing you pull the rope towards your body, with the revvll rope resistance training, however, you can move the rope in various ways against a certain resistance: pulling, pushing, and rotating movements in different angles are possible. You don’t sit on a rope climbing machine or are clinging to a rope – you can choose your own position freely. Thus, revvll rope trainers give you an overall upper body training with adjustable resistance. All you need to do is change your own position towards the training tool or the mounting height of the revvll.

  • Substantial exercise variety.
  • Quick Adjustability – Variable Resistance.
  • Mobility – Mount the Revvll high to low and virtually anywhere.
  • Commercial Grade – Quality Construction.
  • No rope fraying or gloves required.
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