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Our most popular option. Extending the life of your fitness equipment.  Scheduled annual preventative maintenance and health check program, keeping equipment working safely and helping to prevent frequency of repairs.  With all additional call-outs and labour charges included.  Tailored to meet your specific needs.

We can offer scheduled single or multiple annual preventative service calls; covering all other incidental call-outs allowing you to budget annually for this aspect of managing your site, designed to help, support and resolve your equipment issues quickly and conveniently.

To get started we will carry out a no obligation initial site survey of equipment and provide advice and cost effective options; to meet your specific requirements and budget.

Once you have chosen your option, we will arrange your first scheduled service call.  After each visit we will provide a laminated service certificate to display to your customers/users and a copy of our service report to advise of any potential problems or parts requirements.

During each visit we will carry out a full inspection of all equipment. Calibration, lubrication and cleaning/vacuuming inside housings.

Benefits of Maintenance Contracts

  • Preventative fault finding
  • Call-outs and labour charges covered
  • Scheduled service inspection calls
  • Limiting downtime on equipment
  • Service certificate & service report included
  • Increased equipment lifespan
  • Peace of mind for management and customers
  • Potential accident and injury prevention; limiting potential liability
  • Scheduled service guide for gym staff (none engineering)

Subject to terms and conditions. Service parts are chargeable.

We work directly with private gym operators, corporate fitness facilities, public sector and multi national companies

Use our on-line quotation tool

Professional installation & build

Delivery, Installation & relocation

Comprehensive after-sales advice & support